
Gum treatment

There are several gum treatments. The type of treatment is determined by the gum score (DPSI score). The dental hygienist determines this during the oral examination.

There are two different types of gum treatment:
Inflamed gums (gingivitis) is an inflammation of the gum line. This results in a gum score of 1 or 2. With scores 1 and 2, the dental hygienist will clean your gums by means of a professional dental cleaning.

Failure to treat this inflammation means it can spread to the jaw bone. This results in a score of 3-, 3+ or 4. With this score, the jaw bone can break off and teeth can become loose and lost. This we call advanced gingivitis (periodontitis). The dental hygienist will thoroughly clean the root surfaces per tooth or molar.


After three months you will come back to us to evaluate the treatment that we have carried out and we will check the status of the oral hygiene. After the status has been determined again, we will discuss with you at which time you will be expected to return. The teeth are also thoroughly cleaned and you will be guided with additional oral hygiene instructions. In this way we will work with you to prevent periodontal disease from recurring.

This is the aftercare process.

tandvlees check

How does a DPSI (Dutch Periodontal Screening Index) investigation work?
The spaces (pockets) between the teeth are measured by means of a pocket probe. This can give a light stinging feeling. The gum may also bleed a little bit.

DPSI (gum score)

Score 0
The gums are healthy. No treatment is necessary.

Score 1
The gums are superficially inflamed and bleed. The treatment consists of oral hygiene instruction.

Score 2
Tartar is present. The treatment consists of its removal.

Score 3-
There are pockets 4 to 5 mm deep, without gum recession, with slight damage to the jaw bone. A gum measurement is performed and the inflamed gum is treated by the dental hygienist.

Score 3+
There are pockets 4 to 5 mm deep, with gum recession, with damage to the jaw bone. A gum measurement is performed and the inflamed gum is treated by the dental hygienist. A follow-up appointment with the periodontist may be necessary to determine whether local surgery is required.

Score 4
There are pockets 6 mm deep or more and there is serious damage to the jaw bone. A gum measurement is performed and the inflamed gum is treated by the dental hygienist. A follow-up appointment with the periodontist may be necessary to determine whether local or extensive surgery is required.